Why you are beautiful

Why you are beautiful? : Poem

Amidst the symphony of existence, a question unfolds, “Why you are beautiful?” in stories untold. A reflection of virtues, a soul shining bright, Eightfold echoes, in the celestial light.

Why you are beautiful, a good human at core, A beacon of goodness, forever to adore. With unwavering faith, like a guiding star, Illuminating paths, no matter how far.

Why you are beautiful, with a heart so kind, A symphony of compassion, echoing in the mind. Helping others selflessly, a noble art, Rescuing hearts, mending every part.

Why you are beautiful, a savior of all, In the face of darkness, you stand tall. Saving what you can, in shadows and sun, A testament to love, for everyone.

Why you are beautiful, in nature’s embrace, A love that transcends, an eternal grace. Nature’s child, intertwined and true, A reflection of beauty, both me and you.

Why you are beautiful, admiring creations around, In the gallery of life, where beauty is found. Loving others’ endeavors, like a mirrored view, A celebration of beauty, in both them and you.

Why you are beautiful, with care that’s vast, A love for all beings, a harmony cast. Respecting every soul, like a precious gem, A radiant beauty, in love’s diadem.

Why you are beautiful, emotions untold, A symphony of feelings, like rivers that fold. Sacrificing your needs, for others to thrive, A selfless beauty, helping others to survive.

Why you are beautiful, in the fight for equality, A champion for justice, in relentless nobility. Uniting the world, with a voice that sings, A beauty that echoes, in equality’s wings.

Story about this poem

This captivating poem, “Why You Are Beautiful,” intricately weaves the question of beauty into the very fabric of existence. The repetition of the phrase “Why you are beautiful” serves as a poignant refrain, echoing the exploration of diverse facets of beauty in each stanza.

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The poem commences with the enigmatic question, “Why you are beautiful?” unveiling a narrative untold in the tapestry of life. The eightfold echoes resonate like a celestial melody, emphasizing the multifaceted nature of beauty.

The first instance highlights the intrinsic beauty of being a good human at the core. The individual is portrayed as a beacon of goodness, with an unwavering faith akin to a guiding star that illuminates paths, transcending distance.

The subsequent repetition accentuates the beauty found in a heart so kind, described as a symphony of compassion echoing in the mind. Acts of selfless help and heartwarming rescue operations become a noble art, mending and restoring every fractured part.

The poem unfolds further, presenting the reader as a savior of all, standing tall in the face of darkness. The act of saving what one can, whether in shadows or sunlight, becomes a testament to a universal love for everyone.

Nature’s embrace is the focus of the next stanza, portraying the individual as a nature’s child, intertwined and true. This connection becomes a reflection of beauty, emphasizing a timeless and eternal grace.

Moving forward, the poem explores beauty through the lens of appreciation for creations around. The act of loving others’ endeavors becomes a mirrored view, fostering a celebration of beauty both in others and in oneself.

The care that’s vast and the love for all beings are highlighted in the subsequent repetition, creating a harmonious cast. Respecting every soul is likened to a precious gem, creating a radiant beauty akin to love’s diadem.

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The penultimate instance portrays the emotional depth of beauty, emphasizing a symphony of feelings and rivers of sacrifice. The sacrifice of personal needs for the thriving of others becomes a selfless beauty, aiding others in their journey of survival.

The final repetition ties the poem’s themes together, recognizing the reader as a champion for justice and equality. The voice that sings in the fight for global equality becomes a resounding beauty, echoing in the wings of societal change.

In summary, “Why You Are Beautiful” is a masterfully crafted exploration of beauty in its myriad forms, utilizing the repetition of the central question to emphasize the multifaceted nature of the concept. The poem celebrates virtues, kindness, love for nature, and a commitment to global equality, inviting readers on a profound journey of introspection and appreciation for the inherent beauty within themselves and the world. I would like to also recommend you to read Are You Beautiful on the Inside? article at wonderopolis.com post.

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